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原创 突发!台媒:蔡英文办公室夜间惊传枪响,一名台军“宪兵”疑自戕



另有台媒报道,台湾地区在1日晚上传出有1名身穿制服的男子,头部有枪伤,目前由警消人员在场处理。男子疑似为台军“宪兵”队员,因子弹从头部穿越,当场失去呼吸心跳,紧急送往马偕医院急救。至于原因疑似是自戕,事发经过还要进一步了解。(海峡导报记者 林静娴 整理报道)

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Researchers asked students to determine the credibility of online posts. Most student - 82 percent - read "sponsored content" as the same as a real news story on a website. For Twitter, it mattered more to students if a tweet had a lot of information, or had a photo attached, not the source. Public scrutiny on the topic prompted Facebook to vow, among other things, to implement ways of "disrupting fake news economics."

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